Empowering Creativity on the Go: Dignity as Creativity

9:00 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Both Christianity and Judaism assert that humanity is made in the image of God, a bold and provocative claim that projects both intentionality and potential for all people.  Maybe this partially suggests that to be made in the image of God means that every person has the life-giving capacity to be a creative and unique individual, and to find inimitable ways of self-expression and growth.  Part of being spiritual is to be a creative. And developing self-expression is part of fostering a healthy spiritual being. 

Beginning with this claim has implications for what it means to “respect the dignity of every human being,” a core value of most all religions and the words of the Baptismal Covenant of my own Episcopal tradition.  For Episcopalians, this is the imperative for how we should live our lives.  If we are to respect people, we have to find ways of creating the space where people can be authentic, where self-expression freely flows.  What would happen if we began to see outreach or church ministry, not as a way of just fulfilling other people’s basic needs, but empowering others to be authentic, creative, and to claim who they are as spiritual human beings. 

Katie Whitfield, a volunteer with H*Art Gallery, has been spending the past few months doing just this.  Every Wednesday morning, Katie spends a few hours with individuals at St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, most who are homeless, and all with different levels of artistic ability but a willingness and desire to be creative.  When they leave the Cathedral’s space, each person has the opportunity to take a H*Art pack, a pocket-sized container which holds a box of crayons, a few sharpies, a pencil, and some 3 x 5-inch index cards.  People are encouraged to be creative throughout the week.  H*Art Gallery’s mission is to empower homeless and nontraditional artists. 

H*Art Gallery started in Chattanooga by Ellen and Jay Heavilon as a way of developing and empowering homeless and nontraditional artists.  In 2015, they purchased a building on Marshall Avenue in Memphis in an effort to expand their concept.  The mission is to empower creativity.  It’s about dignity.  Occasionally they find those who would like to share their art with others which is then showcased in the gallery.  A requirement of the gallery is the expectation that a portion of the proceeds from the sale of artist’s work is to be given away to a charity of the artist’s choosing. An opportunity is created to invite a person who society has deemed as having limited resources to be empowered to transform others’ lives. 

The impact of the work of the participants who engage with H*Art is tremendous.  When asked about how art transformed his life, Ron, a recently housed Navy veteran shared “In a world where I hear ‘No!’ all of the time, this is the one place I can hear ‘Yes, you can do it!’” Jasen, who was homeless when he first got involved in 2010, earned a partial scholarship to Virginia Culinary Institute and now works for The Chattanoogan.  Isela, a victim of domestic violence and mother of a six-year-old, blossomed in jewelry making. She became an art and jewelry instructor.  Her daughter’s image of her mother as a teacher and artist is life transforming. Isela’s jewelry line is named after her daughter.

Maybe the lesson we can learn is the notion that to respect the dignity of every human being might require a much deeper commitment than just the fulfillment of others’ basic needs.  It is to unlock the creative and life-changing potential of the other.  Maybe it is as easy as offering a small box of crayons, sharpies, and index cards.

Index Cards made by homeless participants using H*Art packs
To learn more about H*Art Gallery, go to www.hartgallerytn.com
To learn more about St. Mary’s Episcopal Cathedral, go to www.stmarysmemphis.org


The Transformational T-Shirt: An Entrepreneurial Faith

3:47 PM Unknown 0 Comments

My family consumes.  We consume much more than I want to admit.  I have two growing children that need new clothes nearly every month. Our grocery bill has skyrocketed.  We drive more to meet their needs than before, and we are becoming more involved with activities that require accessories and spending. Granted all this consumer action has developed a new skill of using social media to find recycled products for our house and children, almost daily I still purchase something. This is at the core of our economic system. We spend money and as Americans, we spend more than most others. 

My family functions best in routine. We go to work, take the kids to school, and go to church on Sunday. Nearly every other action outside of our home involves a more tangible relationship with money. Sometimes we will go shopping for groceries or clothes, make a trip to the zoo or the local children’s museum, or run the typical errands to enter the consumer circle. It’s hard to imagine just how our life would function if another currency other than money was used as the medium for exchange.

My friend Jason works for a company, Agape North, which has an unusual strategy for impacting the Memphis area and other areas around the country and globe. Agape North is a screen-printing and embroidery business.  They even have their own line of clothing. The difference with this company is with each purchase or shirt printed, a school uniform is donated in the greater Memphis area, or to an area of the buyers choice.  Currently, they are focusing their efforts on 5 major Frayser schools, as well as a handful of other Memphis charter schools. Companies who use Agape North even have the option of hand delivering the school uniforms to students, to hear the stories of these students, and begin to foster a relationship. Instead of just using money to purchase consumer goods, relationships are being built and people are helping to improve the lives of others through a consumer choice.  

Many churches are enormous consumers purchasing t-shirts for youth retreats, food for parish events, office supplies, goods and services from outside agencies, books, furniture, even utilities. Is there a growing market for making our consumer choices a faith commitment as well? And is there a way our faith communities can participate in creating consumer choices, advocating for a healthier economy that has a more just system of distribution of resources?

When I think of church ministry, I often think about people gathering to do work for someone else. What Agape North has been successful in creating is a vehicle for others to participate in outreach, through ordinary consumer transactions.  Are there ways that faith communities could work towards transformation by providing a product that would also benefit others as well? This image of Agape North helps merge the idea of not only going to church to consume, but by becoming church in a way that means consuming leads to community transformation. I am not exactly sure what this looks like, but am encouraged to explore the possibilities.    


Crowdfunding: Partnering with the Community for Transformational Work

10:46 AM Unknown 0 Comments

Published first on www.Buildfaith.org

What is Crowdfunding?
In 1997, the British rock band, Marillion, used the Internet to raise $60,000 to finance their US reunion tour. This radical concept is considered by many to be the birth of modern day crowdfunding. In the late 2000s as social media platforms developed, and our interaction with technology changed, new platforms emerged to make crowdfunding possible. IndyGoGo was created in 2008, Kickstarter in 2009, and by 2011, entrepreneurs had raised $1.5 billion dollars for innovation.

The idea is simple: create a way for the average person to invest anything from a few dollars to thousands to support an idea or innovation. Social media allows for people to gather around ideas and projects. If you find a project on a friend’s Facebook page or Twitter feed, you can invest in that idea through a small gift or grant, helping it come to life. However, something else happens when people make donations towards a cause: they invest social capital. A relationship is born.

Churches Step into Crowdfunding
Historically, faith communities have been most skilled at using the resources of members to benefit the outside community. But with the emerging uses of crowdfunding, there exists a new platform to form relationships and invite faith communities to partner with their neighbors. Together, they invest in the work of transforming communities, all while generating social capital, which is arguably much more valuable in terms of the sustainability of congregations.

In the spring of 2015, three churches in the greater Memphis area began playing with IOBY (In our Back Yards), a crowdfunding platform for projects in neighborhoods. St. Mary’s Cathedral wanted to beautify a portion of Alabama Street and raised money for the Alabama Street Tapestry Project. They raised over $2000 for fabric which would be woven in the iron fence. When asked why they were doing this project, St. Mary’s responded:
“This tired, forgotten, stretch of road does little to uplift the individuals that pass by it regularly. St. Mary’s would like to help create a mini oasis to convey to all the individuals that live and work in proximity the important role each one plays in the tapestry of the neighborhood. Our self worth is closely paralleled to the environment we inhabit. When the world around us feels discarded, so to do we. This project endeavors to convey the importance we believe each person brings to the world.”

Alabama IOBY

Alabam Tapestry
Photo by Preston Johnson
On the other side of town, two Episcopal Churches, Church of the Annunciation in Cordova and Calvary Episcopal Church downtown partnered to raise money for honey harvesting equipment that would be used as part of an apiary located in Cordova. The group is creating a business that aims to employ survivors of sex-trafficking and prostitution modeled after Thistle Farms in Nashville. The group’s IOBY platform raised over $3500 from investors far beyond the Episcopal Church and each congregation’s faith community. The proceeds from the honey sales this fall will support hospitality at Lives Worth Saving, a prostitution intervention program in Memphis.

Bee fundraising IOBY
Building Relationships through Mission
In a climate where many churches are wondering how to build relationships with people who are not connected to faith communities, one strategy is to turn more missional, to find ways of becoming a part of the fabric of the community. Beginning a relationship can be as simple as inviting someone to invest in a transformational project.

Thanks to platforms such as IOBY, there are more ways to invite people to become part of the fabric of the faith community; to create a new door to the church, and to work to strive for justice of peace. This is far broader than church membership – it is partnering in transformation. This kind of work will not be measured by average Sunday attendance or the number of pledging units, and I find that incredibly hopeful.


What if your Church was really a Coffee Shop?

9:00 AM Unknown 2 Comments

“I’d like a Macchiato and a pimento cheese sandwich, please.”  These are not the first words you expect to hear from the average seeker of the Christian faith.  But then again, "these times are a-changin." 

“Where I was baptized, I didn’t feel accepted and yet I was looking for a way back into the church.  I was spiritual and yet yearning to also be religious,” says Kevin, an avid coffee drinker and a parishioner of The Abbey in Birmingham, Alabama.  Through a community a coffee drinkers, Kevin has found Episcopal liturgy, happiness, and has even joined an Education for Ministry (EFM) class offered through The Abbey.  He will spend the next four years studying Scripture, theology, church history, and probably drinking his fair share of lattes.

In the fall of 2012, the Rt. Rev. Kee Sloan sat down with the now Vicar of the Abbey, the Rev. Katie Nakamura Rengers. His charge to her was to build a church without walls in the Avondale neighborhood of Birmingham. Katie had a dream, but she realized quickly the church has no real mechanism for dealing with new and innovative ideas.  She raised money, applied for grants, made presentations to churches, and pleaded with diocesan financial officers and her bishop.  The courage to sign a lease was one of the most challenging steps for a diocese to make. The church might have a lot of experience with liturgy but not a lot with commercial real-estate agents. Her vision was certainly nontraditional. 

The Abbey opened its doors on Valentines Day of 2015.  “I’d like a Macchiato and a pimento cheese sandwich, please.  Oh, and can you tell me about this thing called baptism.”  Since opening the doors, a group has gathered in the back of the shop to celebrate the Eucharist every Sunday afternoon.  There has even been an adult baptism, a confirmation, and 2 old men who decided to be received into The Episcopal Church from the Roman Catholic faith, all conversations that began with a coffee order.

Each Sunday, people gather around a table while others are ordering lattes and sandwiches. “We have been very self conscious about the noise we make as we pray and worship.  There is an uncomfortable tension that exists in our worship in a public space but maybe this is a good place to be,” says Katie.  Maybe this is not much different than the uncomfortable tension of being Christian in the world today that is experienced by many young adults.  “I have so much faith in the church that is changing.  We have had to stop inviting young adults, selling them on a bill of goods and figure out how to be church our young people believe we can be, to regain a sense of genuine honesty that we had lost,” shared the deacon of The Abbey, The Rev. Kelley Hudlow. There is a steady stream of new people who end up participating in the liturgy who would never have darkened the doors of a traditional church. 
The Rev. Katie Rengers takes coffee orders from a young customer.
The walls are covered with religious art.  Two large bloc prints are positioned over the altar in the back corner, one of Paul and one of Peter, both with cups of coffee.  Two bookcases are filled with religious reading from commentaries to books on ecology, justice, and liturgy.  On first glance, The Abbey appears to be your run-of-the-mill coffee shop, but once you look around, you realize you are standing in a playground for your faith formation:  books, liturgy, coffee, and a priest and deacon all at one’s disposal. 

The Abbey’s concept is not new.  In many ways, Katie’s vision is similar to the monastic movement of the early church. Many of the medieval monasteries created social enterprises to keeps the business fiscally afloat. Whether it was brewing beer, making wine, or growing food, monastic communities found ways of entering and participating in the local economy. 

Opening The Abbey has not come without risk. The total cost including a generous grant from The Episcopal Church was nearly $200,000.  The Abbey even raised almost $25,000 from crowdsourcing using an Indiegogo platform. Many view this risk to be a radical response to faith.  “I see God working in the signing of our lease. We have faith in God even if we step out of the realm of what is financially safe. It is a step that God has called us to take, even in a secure and financially steady diocese because we believe God is alive.  We believe God is calling us to preach the Gospel in radically new ways,” proclaims Katie. 

In six months, The Abbey is generating about 85% of the cost of running the space.  In a climate where more and more faith communities have to shut their doors due to fiscal constraints, there is much hope in models such as the Abbey.  This fall, the new congregation at the coffee shop is considering having a stewardship campaign.  However, because of the unique model of their community, none of the money given will pay for the building or the utilities. Instead, their proportional giving can be used to respond to the needs of the community at large.  

The Abbey introduces an interesting concept. A coffee shop is safe space for many.  The Abbey has hosted poetry readings, art shows, book signings, and a regular event called “Purple Hours” where anyone can come and have a cup of coffee with one of the Episcopal bishops of Alabama. The evening monastic service, Compline, is said on Wednesday nights. Young Adults from all over are finding a home at the Abbey.  One coffee drinking Christian, Margaret, has found the community to be a place where the voices of everyone are heard.  It has inspired her to return to church.

God takes what is ordinary and makes it extraordinary.  This is our Christian theology.  God takes bread and makes it holy food for a broken world. As a people of faith, we have thousands of buildings, many only open for a few hours on a Sunday morning. The Abbey has found a way of taking ordinary conversations and making them holy, of taking ordinary coffee and using it as a catalyst for transformation.  And the place is open 7 days a week, almost all day long.  “I’d like a Macchiato and a pimento cheese sandwich, please. Oh, and can we talk about scheduling a baptism?”

You can learn more about The Abbey at http://www.theabbeybham.com/


The Growing Disconnection of Community and Geography

8:30 AM Unknown 1 Comments

I have a hunch that most people who seek a church home are really looking for a community of people. Theology is important, sense of awe in worship is probably significant as well, but I would wager that feeling accepted and a part of a group of people is paramount.  And so we wander around until we find a place where we are embraced for who we are.  My friend Juan shared this about his journey to find a faith community: “One church I visited, I really felt welcomed, but not accepted.”  He found his faith community a few miles farther away. Today, community is no longer defined by geography.

At some point in history, we made a shift in our expectations of religious communities. The term many people use to describe Episcopal churches is as a parish.  We have come to understand parish as the people who attend a church, the community of the faithful. However, that was not always the case. Some of the roots of the word "parish" include the Middle English word "parisshe," the Anglo-French word "paroche" or "parosse," or what I find most significant, the Greek for "para" or “near” and "oikos" or “house.”  Near or alongside the house gives the impression that the parish was more than just the church, but included the area around the church. Community and geography were intertwined. This was the view the English took. 

And in England, this meaning still holds true today. A parish is not just a worshiping community but instead the subdivision of a county together with an ecclesiastical parish which then constitutes a unit of government. Simply, a church has responsibility for an entire geographical area. The needs of the community surrounding the church are also the church’s business.  This is why in England, if a neighbor wants to be buried, married or baptized in a church, it doesn’t matter if they are a worshiping member or not. What matters is their home address. 

I wonder when the shift happened, when churches began to view membership as participation.  I suspect that technology and globalization haven’t helped.  People drive across cities these days, passing several churches of their own denomination to attend a place where they either feel accepted, or where their theological, moral, or political views are affirmed.  Feeling accepted into a community and finding a place where one can authentically be oneself is of tremendous value. However, I am left wondering if the increase in societal mobility has caused us to lose this old understanding of parish.  And has that loss come at a cost to our faith? 

The English idea of parish gives me great hope, incredible possibility as we consider what a renewed faith might look like.  Maybe renewal is taking a few steps back. If we make the assumption that our next door neighbors are members of another faith community, does this cause us to spiritually disconnect our lives from neighbors? But if we view the neighborhoods where our churches are physically located as a part of our parish and the responsibility of the entire church community, we might be able to change the way we relate to each other.

Living in the Bible Belt means there is a church on nearly every corner.  Even today, there are still more churches than Walgreens and Rite Aids. (Although I wonder for how long?) Can you imagine a world where the physical, social, ecological, economic, and spirituals needs of every neighborhood became the concern of the churches in that neighborhood?  Something tells me we would get a greater glimpse of the kingdom of heaven. Maybe the key is in our understanding of language, and finding ways of reverting back to the original understanding of what it means to be a parish.  We are told that the two most important commandments are “love of God” and “love of neighbor.”  We spend a lot of time debating the nature of God.  Maybe we should spend some time rethinking how to love our neighbor.